Restorative Care

Restoring the strength and independence necessary to safely return home

The Restorative Care Program at Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) is a holistic, patient-centred program specially designed for adults who are no longer in the acute phase of an illness but do not yet have the strength or independence necessary to safely return home.

Focused on rebuilding strength and reducing the need for assistance that often comes with an acute illness, the Restorative Care unit offers a customized care plan unique to each patient. Designed with the patient's goal of returning home in mind, this plan:

Drawing on the strengths of a team of professional health care providers, Restorative Care addresses each patient's unique physical, emotional and social health needs through specialized nursing care, physiotherapy, recreational therapy, occupational therapy and speech language therapy. Assigned on admission, a Case Manager from Home and Community Care Support Services serves as each patient's "system navigator," and works with the primary care provider at every step along the way. Family members and friends are invited to take an active role in rebuilding independence.

NHH's health care team assesses the suitability of this program for each patient who is not yet able to return directly home with the level of supports available through Home and Community Care. The Restorative Care Program is appropriate for those whose goal is to return home, whether home means a private residence, a retirement home or some other form of assisted living.


For further information on Restorative Care services at NHH, please contact the Patient Care Manager at: 905-372-6811 ext. 7785.

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