Community Mental Health Services
Comprehensive, Patient-Centred Care
NHH’s Community Mental Health Services assist individuals who are experiencing mild to severe mental health concerns. Programming is geared to those 16 years and older. Individuals younger than 16 are eligible for selected services in some circumstances.
The program provides treatment and support for individuals experiencing: depression and bipolar disorder; anxiety, phobias, panic disorders and traumatic stress; schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; personality disorders; and mental health crisis. Counselling services are available for those coping with mild to moderate mental health issues. Self-referrals are accepted, as are referrals from family physicians, the Hospital and community agencies.
Services are organized as follows:
- Early Psychosis Intervention
- Crisis Intervention Service
- Northumberland County Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team
- Community Mental Health Supportive Housing Services - Northumberland
- Individual and Group Counselling
- Walk-In Counselling Clinic (see below)
- Psychiatric Consultation (physician referral required) *note: assessments for legal purposes are not provided
- Intensive Case Management Service – including mental health supports provided in partnership with Northumberland County through the Hoarding Support Program and Homelessness Case Management
- Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (M-HEART) – a partnership with mental health officers at OPP Northumberland, Cobourg Police Services and Port Hope Police Services to provide mobile crisis intervention, de-escalation and active therapeutic engagement to individuals experiencing acute mental health crises in the community
- Rapid Assessment Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic – offered in partnership with Peterborough Regional Health Centre and Four Cast Addiction Services, this service is currently available in Northumberland each Tuesday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, on the 2nd floor of 1011 Elgin Street West for barrier-free treatment for individuals addicted to alcohol or opioids – appointments preferred but walk-ins accepted time permitting (see Contacts, below), self-referral welcome
NHH’s Community Mental Health Services team is made up of registered professionals in the disciplines of psychology, social work, nursing, addictions, occupational therapy, vocational rehabilitation and psychiatry. All have specific expertise in mental health.
Walk-In Counselling Clinic
A walk-in counselling option is available for children, youth and adults (aged 7 and up) on Tuesdays (8:00am-4:00pm) and Thursdays (10:00am-6:00pm) at NHH’s Community Mental Health Services office located at 1011 Elgin Street West, Suite 200, Cobourg. Clients of the walk-in meet briefly with a case manager to identify goals for the walk-in session, and attend a same-day therapy session. The walk-in service is provided in partnership with Rebound Child & Youth Services and Community Health Centres of Northumberland. Should the walk-in clinic become full on a given day, clients will be asked to return on the next Tuesday or Thursday. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may access the walk-in service. For further details, including the alternate arrangements in place during the pandemic and a Frequently Asked Question summary regarding child and youth walk-in services, click here.
Following assessment, individual treatment plans are developed which may include:
- Case management
- Individual therapy
- Therapeutic and psycho-educational group therapy
- Psychiatric consultation (with physician referral)
- Early psychosis intervention
- Assertive community treatment
- Housing support
- Collaboration with other community partners
Northumberland Hills Hospital Community Mental Health Services works collaboratively with community agencies to provide services in Cobourg, Port Hope and Brighton, as well as the townships of Hamilton, Haldimand, Alnwick, Cramahe, and Alderville First Nation. The Assertive Community Treatment Team and the Housing Support programs serve all of Northumberland County.
To request services, please contact NHH’s Community Mental Health Services team directly at: 905-377-9891 or 1-888-294-7579 Fax: 905-377-9895. To speak with the NHH Manager responsible for Mental Health, call 905-377-9891, ext. 231.