• 100th  Anniversary  Cheque  Presentation
  • Auxiliary  Plant  Sale  March 2016  Marg  Hillborn
  • Brian  Driscoll
  • Day  Surgery
  • Group 2 with  Brian lg
  • Local  Support  Pat  Patricia  Gayle  Yvonne
  • Lorrie  Phipps  Dec 2016
  • Marilyn  Mc Millan 30 years  Aux service  May 2018
  • Mrs  Parken
  • Opening  Day greeter  Lisa  Irving
  • Pat and  Gayle  May 2015
  • Petticoat  Lane

Spiritual Care

The Spiritual Care Program encompass a holistic approach to health, focusing on an individual’s beliefs, values, behaviours and experiences related to spirituality, faith and culture. The purpose of a Spiritual Care Program for patients, families, staff and volunteers is to provide comfort, compassion, and caring to the whole person during one’s hospital journey. Spiritual support is also available during times of emergency, ethical dilemmas, or to support an individual’s own spiritual journey as it relates to their role/interaction with Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH). In partnership with NHH’s interprofessional team the NHH Spiritual Care Provider (SCP) volunteers promote an environment in which the spiritual needs and values of all are respected and considered in the context of care delivery and hospital.

SCP volunteers are made up of professional ministers and counsellors, together with lay people with appropriate training. They visit weekly to support every department of our hospital including patients, their loved ones and staff.

Contacting Spiritual Care:

If you are interested in speaking with an SCP volunteer, NHH staff will contact the switchboard to connect you with a volunteer. These volunteers are available 24/7 on an on-call basis.

Use of Spiritual Care Centre:

Located on the first floor of the hospital, adjacent to Women’s Health, the Spiritual Care Centre is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week for patients, friends and family and members of the hospital team to use for quiet contemplation, reflection and/or prayer. Through arrangement with the Manager, Volunteers, this room may also be available for funerals, memorial services and other ceremonial functions patients may desire. From time-to-time special spiritual care events will be provided.

General responsibilities of being an SCP volunteer:

Provide, as volunteer capacity permits, 24-hour on-call SCP volunteer coverage for emergency needs and requests for SCP volunteer by patients and/or hospital staff. In addition, commitment to provide a minimum of one hour per week on-site, as needs require. Visiting includes but is not limited to the following:

How to Become a SCP Volunteer

Download an application form and email to: volunteerapplications@nhh.ca

Spiritual Care Application

Or direct your completed form in person to:

Manager, Volunteers
Northumberland Hills Hospital Auxiliary
1000 DePalma Drive
Cobourg, ON K9A 5W6

Once your application is received the Manager, Volunteers or designate will contact you.​

Want to know more?

Contact our Volunteers