Registration now open for the next virtual conversation in the Northumberland PACE Speakers Series, ‘Hearing Health’ on Thursday, May 23 at 5:30 PM
The Northumberland PACE Speakers Series will host its latest virtual conversation, ‘Hearing Health’ on Thursday, May 23 at 5:30 PM with guest speaker, Dr. Gavin Rukholm, MD, FRCSC.
Dr. Rukholm is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist, who has been practicing for over ten years and possesses a keen interest in pediatric ENT, Otology and Rhinoplasty surgery. Dr. Rukholm completed medical school at the University of Ottawa and his surgical residency at McMaster University, located in Hamilton, Ontario.
During his virtual discussion, Dr. Rukholm will explore important questions about hearing health, including, “What are the different types of hearing loss?” “What causes hearing loss?” “What treatment options are available for hearing loss?” and “What types of hearing aids are available and what are their benefits?”
As is standard within the PACE Talk format, questions from the audience will also be addressed. These questions may be pre-submitted by emailing prior to May 23, 2024, or time permitting, posed live during the event itself.
Since 2018, The Northumberland PACE partners have been hosting free public education sessions on a broad range of health and wellness topics and have consistently drawn large groups of community members with a variety of questions and perspectives.
Lasting an hour in length, each PACE talk consists of a 30-minute talk, a 20-minute question-and-answer period with the guest speaker(s) and a short moderator summary.
Bring your questions, your suggestions, and your experience and join in what is expected to be another informative discussion on a topic chosen by previous PACE attendees!
Pre-registration is required, and space is limited to the first 300 registered attendees. This event is hosted through Zoom, and attendees are asked to login to the event 5 minutes prior to the start. Register for ‘Hearing Health’ today at, where you’ll also find recordings from many of the previous seasons’ talks prepared by student partners from Loyalist College.