NHH adds rainbow crosswalk to celebrate Pride Month

NHH celebrates Pride Month with the installation of a rainbow crosswalk— Pride flag will fly again throughout the month of June

Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH) will commemorate Pride Month with the installation of a new rainbow crosswalk in addition to flying the Pride flag, a tradition that has been observed in years past throughout June.

Over the past several years, NHH and, more recently, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EDIAC) team, has fulfilled several recommendations related to inclusion, including the formal recognition of Black History Month in February and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in September. Educational lunch and learn opportunities for staff, physicians and volunteers, led by members of the EDIAC community, and additional training opportunities have also been organized, together with engagement from community partners.

Located near the hospital’s main entrance, the new rainbow crosswalk will run parallel to the hospital’s orange crosswalk—first introduced on September 1, 2022—in honour and remembrance of residential school survivors and the many children who never returned home.

Throughout June, members of the NHH team look forward to participating in communitybased Pride activities across Northumberland County. 

“The introduction of a rainbow crosswalk at NHH—an initiative brought forth by NHH’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (EDIAC)—is the latest of many steps taken by the hospital to continue creating an equitable, inclusive, and barrier-free environment for all,” said Susan Walsh, President and CEO. “Members of our NHH team are looking forward to participating in community-based Pride activities as well and appreciate opportunities to collaborate with community partners.”

“The importance of diversity and equity in any environment—whether its in our personal life, professional life, or both—cannot be overemphasized,” said Lola Obomighie, Vice President, People, Culture and Organizational Effectiveness. “Having a committee like EDIAC at NHH allows us to celebrate the rich cultural mosaic that continues to grow within our community both inside the walls of NHH and across Northumberland County. The rainbow crosswalk is another welcomed addition to the hospital and a visual reminder of the work we have done and must continue to do to ensure NHH is a safe, accepting place for everyone.”

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